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Donate to honor or remember or for a mitzvah!

Temple Beth Am appreciates your donations and will make good use of them! Follow directions below to make your donation.

Donations made by members are listed on the first weekly e-mail of the month.  We will notify donation recipients as you request.

Donations that come with specific plaques or labels are pictured below.  For "Tree of Life"  please contact us to select a leaf.  Most available leaves are on the upper sections of the tree.

Prayer Book Label
Prayer Book Label
Tree of Life Leaf
Tree of Life


Yahrzeit Plaque
Pew Plate
Yahrzeit Plaque Detail

Sample prayer book. tree of life leaf and pew plate inscriptions (keep to 50 characters). Inscriptions are in capital letters and centered.
      BAR MITZVAH                         ABRAHAM JACOBS                      25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY
 ABRAHAM JACOBS                       IN HONOR OF HIS                         ABRAHAM & SARAH SMITH
         01-01-16                                       BAR MITZVAH                                            05-30-10

Members  - please sign on to your account before making a donation.  If you don't see your name and email filled in below - you are not signed in.   Please do so so that we can credit your account with your donation and so that you can charge donations to your account.   For login information click here.

Under "Donation 1"  use the arrow to select the fund or plaque order to which you wish to donate and enter the amount to donate.  To make more than one donation or to order more than one plaque,  continue on to Donation 2  and Donation 3.  More than 3 donations, please submit more than one donation form!

If your donation is for a specific plaque or leaf or label, enter the details in the appropriate spaces below.

If you wish to donate to a fund not listed, select "fund not listed" and enter the name of the fund in the appropriate space below on this form.
Donation 1

Donation 2

Donation 3

If you didn't find fund name above, select instead "fund not listed"  on Donation field above and enter amount to donate.  Then enter the name of the fund above here.

Inscription For Pew Plates, Tree of Life and Prayer Book inscriptions.  Enter your inscription below  as you would like it to appear.  If you ordered more than one inscription - label each inscription entry.  Sample inscriptions are on the top of the form.

Enter the name as you would like it to appear on the plaque.  All current plaques have first name, (sometimes middle name or initial) and last name. If you are requesting more than one plaque, number each request below. See top of form for yahrzeit plaque images.

Publication/Notification Information - if your donation is not a plaque or leaf or label, and/or if you want to include more information or want us to notify someone about your donation, please fill out the information below.  Donations made by members are acknowledged by being listed in the first email of each month. If you don't want your donation listed, please put "anonymous" below.

enter above the name of the person to be memorialized or honored and any other notations if the in memory of/in honor of options listed in field before don't apply.

Enter above anything else to note in our newsletter (for donations from members), or in the donation note. For example - "in honor of Abe's 100th Birthday - Mazel Tov Abe!"

The name(s) and address (for non-members) of anyone you would like  to be notified of your donation.


Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785