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 Shabbat Services for Everyone                                 

Shabbat Services provide a respite from the work week where we reflect and rejoice. Come celebrate our weekly holiday of Shabbat with the Temple Beth Am Community and stay for a relaxing Oneg afterwards. Services are conducted by Rabbi Robbie and Cantor Jamie on Friday evenings. Our Family Shabbat services (once per month) and our summer services start earlier. Everyone is encouraged to come and celebrate Shabbat with us. Prospective members are always welcome. Directions are here. Please come and introduce yourself! Any scheduled Bet Mitzvahs  are on Saturday mornings.
Services are both in-person and available via Zoom. Links are emailed to members weekly.  
Non members should  
click here to request information and/or links to join in our services.  To contact the office click here
Shabbat B'Yachad   is generally on the the second Friday of the month during the school year. It includes a special service for tots, dinner, special dessert, services, and a special oneg. 

Life Cycle Event Honors

Shabbat Service Honors
for special events in your life


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785