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special  Conversation

03/07/2017 12:49:08 PM



Shalom everyone,

While I hope that you have Purim on the brain, I needed to send out an important email about a wonderful conversation/event that is going to take place in a little over a month.

While the political climate around immigration has been quite stressful, sometimes reading blogs and looking at Facebook has only fanned the flames. Rhetoric like, “Syrian refugees are dangerous to our country… ” and “The Ban is an act racism and bigotry…” only seem to divide us and complicate the matter. Personally, I have found that going directly to the people who are doing the work and having conversations with them enable a clearer and more level head.

To that end, I’m excited to tell you about special opportunity. The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (HIAS) has offered to speak to our community and the general community at large about the issues connected to immigration on April 27th at 7:45 PM. While it is a Jewish organization, HIAS has been directly involved on the front lines with settling immigrants from all over the world for over 135 years. Maybe your own family was settled into this country because of the wonderful work that HIAS has done.

HIAS senior program director, Merrill Zach, will join us on April 27th to chat about the current refugee crisis and to explore how Jewish texts, values and history call on us to respond. The topic of the talk is “Syria and beyond: a Jewish response to today’s refugees”.

Most importantly, I NEED RSVP’s as soon as possible. Please do not wait to get back with me. Just check your calendar now, and then “reply” to this email. Let me know if you are coming and if you are bringing others (members or even non-members). I’ll keep track, but I need you to take the step of letting me know if you can come to this wonderful communal conversation with HIAS. I need to know ASAP.

I hope to see you there and Chag Purim Samei'ach,

Rabbi Robbie Weiner

Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyar 5784